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Topbelægning af malingsbeskyttelsesfilmen

The PPF is mainly composed of three layers of materials.

The first layer is 0.5mils polyurethane transparent film, elastic polymer used to eliminate dust adhesion, pollution and surface scratch: the main function is an antifouling coating.

The second layer is a 6.0mils special polyurethane film, which has excellent toughness and can be elastic recovered at will. Combined with the first layer, the main function is to repair.

The third layer is 1.6mils acrylic copolymer specially developed, which has strong adhesion to the paint surface and strong removal ability. Its main function is to remove no residual glue.

Ordinary coating: only scratch resistance, scratch repair function, corrosion resistance is not good, the coating is easy to damage, brightening effect is also general.

Top coating: nano level molecules are closely arranged, airtight, and can not be penetrated by external erosion. The smooth surface makes dirt nowhere to settle, which indirectly brings brighter aesthetic effect. Nano top coating technology is widely used in high-end products of malingsbeskyttelsesfilm.