бардык категориялар

Кантип боекторду коргоочу жакшы тасманы тандаса болот?

1, Look, look at the transparency of the ppf. When the transparency of the invisible car coat is higher, the restoration degree of the original body paint of the car will be higher after it is pasted, and the original color and luster of the car can be displayed more clearly. Only when it is visually "pasted as if it has not been pasted", the transparency is high, which is conducive to maintaining the brightness of the paint surface. However, the poor quality of invisible car clothing, transparency is not high.


2, Feel, touch. The high-quality invisible car clothing feels thick and soft, and has good ductility. After stretching, it can return to the original state, and fit the body radian in an ideal state, but the poor quality invisible car clothing has low ductility. So you can feel the feel of the car clothes, and then gently stretch them, you can see the advantages and disadvantages of the car clothes.

3, Smell, most of the inferior invisible car clothes are made of inferior materials, which will give off the smell of chemicals, which is pungent and hard to dissipate. But the high-quality invisible car clothing uses healthy and environmental protection raw materials.