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KPAL ڪيپري گرين-پرپل ونائل فلم خوبصورت لانچ

تاريخ: 2022-10-12


The dark purple iPhone 14 pro max has been owned, and of course your beloved car can't be left behind - the romantic Capri grey purple is as gorgeous and mysterious as a rose, with low color saturation,the satin texture creates a full high-end atmosphere, and is as smooth as a baby's skin.The soft refraction under natural light looks full of texture, elegant and generous, which is very suitable for changing seasons.


The design of the Porsche 911 has been remarkable from the first generation to modern times. When you see it, you will be amazed: that's it! Wrapped in the  Capri grey purple film of kpal, this 911 has a new life - mysterious but not distant, low-key and rich.



I want to know if you miss that day, when you ran carefree in the wind and the setting sun. Install this KPAL Capri grey purple for your car, and invite several of your friends to drive a brand new car together,drive along the seaside road at sunset!